Blogmas: day three


I think for the days when I’m at work, blogmas might be a little bit slim on the quantity front. So I’m not sure whether to use the posts I’ve got planned for December for blogmas instead, or whether to just wing it and try my hardest to come up with content during the days when there really isn't a lot to write about.

I've never been the most Christmassy person in the world, and I always thought when I started work it would all be very holiday/celebration lacking and I was so very wrong. The place I work at bloody LOVE Christmas, more than any other holiday. We've even created our own little make shift Santa’s grotto in the drawing room  and everyone’s bought in different decorations for it; there’s tinsel, advent calendars, hats, merry Christmas signs, a huge picture of reindeers and a singing and dancing father Christmas and Christmas tree. I've been hearing Christmas songs since mid-November, they are nuts about it. Last year I was honest and told them I wasn't overly keen on Christmas and I think I got called scrooge for about 3 months. So thank god I’m trying harder this year!
They also have a tradition where I work of going out when we finish work (on Christmas eve) and wearing Christmas jumpers that day and night. Last year I wasn't aware of this tradition, but this year I’ve already bought my Christmas jumper; it’s fluffy, bright red and it’s got a reindeer on it and it’s fabulous. I am trying this year, I promise! I would try and get some photos, but it’s my personal life and my place of work so that would not be the best idea ever.  Instead, I’ll leave you with some photos of how I’d decorate if I had the chance and the money! 

Christmas DecorationsLantern with white candle centered in evergreen wreath with pine cones and flowers or berries.
Oooh pretty! Fill glass containers with x-mas lights, pinecones, branches & add your candles.Have yourself a merry little Christmas..

If you work, what is your workplace like with Christmas? Do you have any traditions? 

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