Blogmas: Day One!


I'm so interested to see if I can push myself to do a post a day, as well as the other posts I have planned AND work and other Christmas related shenanigans that I've got going on this year. I should probably explain this little post before I confuse any of you, although it is pretty self explanatory; it's like vlogmas that youtubers do, but its for us bloggers instead. I saw the idea over on a lovely friend and fellow bloggers page Shannon, who's post you can see here. After reading her post I thought I'd like to give it a crack, although my posts will look no where near as nice as hers because she is a graphical goddess, but I digress.

Anyway, I'm not usually the biggest fan of Christmas due to personal reasons which I'm not going to go into detail about. However, myself and Adam (my other half) and my parents have decided to thrust ourselves into the Christmas spirit this year. I even bought a Christmas jumper for myself for the first time EVER, so I really am going the whole hog. I've got some super exciting stuff coming up this December so I'm so happy that I can actually share it with you all! There are parties, meals, BBC music awards, winter wonderland, Christmas, seeing family. Everything your little hearts could desire and I'm going to try and document it all!

I am currently writing this at 22:20 on the 1st of December, so it isn't going to be the most interesting blogmas but tomorrow I'll do a post on the beautiful Christmas market I went to this weekend with my parents and Adam *spoiler alert there is a HUGE amount of photos* so that should hopefully be more interesting!

So to say goodbye, here is the advent calendar that Adam got me and decided to try and convince me that magic Christmas elves had brought it for me.

Are you going to join in with blogmas?

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