Let's talk hair.


Around late September/ early October of last year I had a bit of a mad moment. I’d had a really crap year so far and needed a change and so after growing my hair for months (it was roughly chest length)
I cut it just above my shoulders, dyed it a darker brown, cut a fringe in and ombred the ends again. I remember being sat on skype to my friend when I cut the first chunk out of my hair.
The looks on both our faces was truly picture worthy and you could see he was just as shocked as I was.
I got to about April of this year and I still hadn't had a dramatic cut or dyed my hair which for me is HUGE, and it got me thinking; how long could I go without really doing anything to my hair?
It’s now December and I can proudly say that I have no dyed, ombreyed, highlighted, or cut (apart from the occasional split end trim) since September 2013.
For someone who went through a stage of dying her hair every few weekends, this is insane for me to comprehend. I’m also super proud of myself for managing that long.

In doing this I've actually realised, a lot of what I was doing wasn't worth it. My hair is currently a mixture from dark brown at the roots, to light/dark blonde at the tips and I actually really really love it. It’s a bit messy and a bit unkempt, but I think that suits me. My roots are currently just below my ears, but they aren't dramatically noticeable so I’m still not going to dye it.
I don’t plan on dying it until my ombre has gone, which I don’t think will be until early next year.
Apart from trimming my ends when they feel dry and thinning my hair a bit when it’s too weighed down, I haven’t cut masses of since last year either and it’s now chest length/ just a tad longer and I love it!
I've looked after it much more this time round as last year when it was long it was quite thin and brittle at the ends and I just didn't really like it, looking back it just didn't look that healthy HOWEVER I was still using a lot of heat on it, which I no longer do.

I only use my straighteners or curling iron for a night out, other than that to style it nowadays after I wash a t-shirt dry my hair I put it up in a bun and take it down in the morning for wavy hair. That’s it.
In terms of my hair care I wash it every other day or less if I can get away with it, I use hair masks whenever I have a little money left over. I also use argon oil and leave in conditioners on my ends. Which helps massively in how thick and healthy  the ends are now.
I also reverse wash my hair and don’t use towels to dry my hair and instead use a soft cotton t-shirt to dry it as this prevents breakage. (QUICK QUESTION: WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN A DETAILED POST ON MY HAIRCARE ROUTINE?)
All of these contributing factors have helped my hair in such a huge way and instead of being addicted to dying and changing my hair like I used to be, I’m now addicted to trying to make it as healthy and long as possible.
The only annoying thing is that I've found as I've gotten older, I’m beginning to inherit my mums frizzy afro hair which is NOT A GOOD LOOK. I refuse to use any heat on it to control it though.
Ignore my terrible face, I'm not good when people take photos of me (awkward potato face)
So that’s how my hair has come along in the last year and I’m so impressed with how much its changed and just overall how much healthier it looks and feels. It’s definitely been work the hassle.
I’d definitely recommend for anyone who dyes their hair a lot or just has unhealthy hair and wants a challenge then you should definitely give it a go!

Would you be interested in a hair care post? Have you got any hair care tips that you swear by?

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