Top 5 posts on AshleighRhiane in 2014


I know that we've been in 2015 for basically 3 weeks now, but I thought it would be a nice little post to round up my most popular blog posts of 2014! So I'm not going to ramble on about it for much longer, here were my most popular posts. Just as a quick disclaimer I'm not trying to show off or anything like that so please don't think I am, I just find it interesting to see what posts people like!

 5th- what I wore: wedding
I'm surprised that this post did as well as it did, purely because my fashion sense isn't particularly trend setting, I'm all about the comfort. However, you all seemed to enjoy it so maybe I should attempt to do more fashion based posts?

4thchange your thoughts and you change the world
This is probably one of my favourite posts that I've done on my blog and I'm still pretty proud of it, I share 2 really amazing and important you tube videos that I felt everyone needed to see. You all seemed to really enjoy this post as much as I did as well, I want to try and share more pictures, videos and quotes that I love as I think it's nice to share things like this with everyone because as the title says; change your thoughts and you change the world. I think if everyone tries to make a difference then eventually we can all do some real good.

3rd all things hair
In terms of posts this was a really fun post to write and show you all some old (and bloody awful) photos and all of the different hair colours and some styles that I've had. I always find that if there is one piece of advice people tend to ask me for it is my hair. I used to have very badly damaged hair for a long time, and a hairdresser even told me I needed to cut it all off to get rid of it all. Due to this I wanted to prove her wrong and taught myself to cut my own hair, never dyed it and used a lot of deep conditioner and eggs (don't ask..) and I got my hair to an AMAZING condition. So I love posts about hair!

2nd skincare routine 
I can say in all honesty that I didn't expect this post of all my posts to be second, I never thought that I had the best skincare routine. I just thought it was very simple and not very good, but you all seemed to think it was okay! So thanks for thinking my skincare was good, I plan on doing an updated version of it sometime soon.

1st oh my god, she's such a slut
So, my number one post of 2014 was the one that I got most feedback from (not all positive) but I still stick to my word in this one and I love that so many people agreed with me and told me how much they enjoyed reading it. The huge positive reaction I had meant the absolute world to me!

So that’s my blog summed up in 2014; there’s been everything from hair care to feminism, food posts to wish lists. What has been your most popular post of 2014? 

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