my life this month #1


Now I know that i didn't actually do a years worth of these last year, but it would have bugged me otherwise and so I decided to start again because why the hell not.
December was a super awesome month for me; I had my work Christmas party, loads of meals out, the BBC music awards, Christmas, New years and just loads of nice fun things to do.

I bought the new Essie Christmas nail polish to wear for my works Christmas party and I had to snap a photo of it, but it's so stunning and really is Christmas in a bottle. The only thing I hate about it though is that like every other glitter polish, it is the hardest thing to get off of my nails and I've now had to give my nails a little rest from products for a while. Myself and Adam also went to the first ever BBC music awards which were incredible! I hope I get to go back another year because it was absolutely amazing. The creme brulee was the dessert I had when we went out for a birthday meal and it was absolutely MASSIVE, no one could finish it.
I was very very spoilt this Christmas and got so many beautiful and thoughtful gifts which I appreciated so much, two were from my absolute favourite jewellery retailers 'astrid and miyu' all the jewellery they do is stunning and I was lucky enough to get a ring and bracelet from Adam.
Lastly, myself and Adam spent new years in Liverpool. It's my favourite place in the UK and so I was over the moon to be there with my favourite person, it really was the perfect way to end the year!

I hope you had a brilliant December and that your January is even better.

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