The Liebster Blog Award Nomination.


I want to thank Jodie for commenting on my last post and nominating me, if you haven't already you should definitely check out her blog because she's beautiful and her blog is A++. I really like the idea behind this post as it's about introducing more small bloggers to one another, which is really sweet and I'm up for being friends with all of you because you're all fabulous. So over on Jodie's blog it says that after you are nominated you start by posting 11 facts about yourself, then answer the 11 questions that blogger has written and finish with your own questions and nominate other bloggers. So without further rambling my eleven facts are:

  1. Liverpool is basically one of my favourite places ever.
  2. My favourite food is roast potatoes and gravy, I would eat this as a normal snack if I could. In all honesty I just really like potatoes. Orange juice is also my favourite drink (without pulp if you want to be really nice and buy me some).
  3. I'm pretty sure I'm part cat, I make cat noises without meaning to and curl up in a ball which I'm certain isn't normal...
  4. My geography is terrible, don't ask me anything about anywhere because I will not have a clue and will embarrass myself very badly.
  5. If I could do any job in the world it would be either a teacher, or something like a radio presenter or something with writing. 
  6. I use the word fabulous too much in one day.
  7. At some point in my life, I need to own a french bulldog as they embody all that is good in the world. LOOK AT HOW FRICKING CUTE THEY ARE, I CANNOT COPE.
  8. I used to be able to read tarot cards and play the ukulele, I haven't in a few years and I really want to start both up again.
  9. I'm a Leo and I believe and love things stuff astrology wise.
  10. I love summer, the sun, the heat and being tanned. That is when I am at my happiest.
  11. I cannot handle spicy AT ALL, even most potato wedges are too hot for me. Which is extremely distressing.
And now on to the questions that have been asked:

  1. Describe yourself in three words.
    I think I would probably have to go for strange, imaginative and ambitious.
  2. What is your favourite past time?
    Probably laying in bed, listening to music and reading blogs!
  3. If you could be one age forever, what age would you be and why?
    I don't know why but I feel like by 26 I'll be a bit more grounded and have more of an idea of what I'm doing and where I'm going to I feel that would be a cool age to stick at. Not too old and not too young.
  4. Pick a movie character to describe your life.
    One of my closest friends once compared me to Wednesday Adams off of the Adams family, so I feel that is a brilliant one to go with! Or Tina from Bob's burgers (not a movie I know) as we are basically the same person.
  5. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
    Definitely either Kat Dennings or Mila Kunis. They are fabulous, sexy and great.
  6. Favourite person and why?
    I don't know whether this means people I know or like famous people?! SO MANY CHOICES so I'm gonna do them all. People I know I'd say my favourite person is my mummy, because she's my mummy. Famous person it has to be John Krasinski, Ryan Gosling or Scott Disick.
  7. What can you not leave the house without?
    My phone is probably my main one, as it basically just has everything I need on it and also headphones because I love listening to music whenever and wherever I can.
  8. What's the one thing to give you a guaranteed pick me up?
    Going out for a coffee somewhere cute or feeding me endless bags of twirl bites.
  9. If you could raid anyone's wardrobe who would it be?
    This is so difficult oh my god. It would probably be between Alexa Chung, Kylie Jenner and Vanessa Hudgens. I love all of their individual styles, and couldn't pick one because I just want all of their clothes please? If I HAD to go for one, it would be Vanessa Hudgens as she will literally wear anything that she likes and looks good in it all and I love everything she wears.
  10. Finish this sentence: If I could be anywhere right now it would be…
    In a super hot country laying on the beach, shopping and exploring.
  11. Most importantly, why did you start writing/creating your blog?
    I wanted to start it because media has always been a huge passion of mine, especially after studying it. I've also always enjoyed writing and rambling, but when I started sixth-form I got much more into beauty and lifetsyle bloggers and vloggers and since then I always wanted to start a blog of my own!
Thank you so much Jodie.
So now it's my turn! I'm going to nominate:

  1. Chloe at chloeblogss
  2. Rebecca at autumncozy
  3. Emma at emmalouise-fashion
  4. Izzie at hola-bambi
  5. Victoria at victoriakaterina
  6. Roxanne at roxannech
  7. Kirsty at pearlsandsparkle
  8. Helena at helenamulhearn
  9. Farah at madein1996
  10. Rebecca at rebeccabrits
  11. I lastly tag anyone who reads this post and whats to do it, you have been nominated!
The Eleven questions I'm going to give you all are...

  1. Why did you start your blog?
  2. What is an average day in the life of you like?
  3. If you could get one thing for free with no catch at all, what would it be?
  4. Whats your best memory in life so far?
  5. Any guilty pleasures?
  6. What do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
  7. Has blogging taught you anything. If so, what?
  8. Favourite song, movie and book.
  9. When's your birthday?
  10. What is one of your most memorable dreams?
  11. If you were an animal, what would you be?
I had so much fun doing this, so I hope you guys enjoy it and have a crack at it yourselves!
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  1. Thanks for tagging me hun but I;ve already done the tag, I love your blog! x

    1. opps, my bad. Sorry sweet. Thank you so much, I love yours as well! x

  2. thank you , can wait to do the post and answer your questions , lots of love and kisses xx

  3. Sorry for the late reply...what a lovely post :) xoxo
