The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger TAG


1. You must copy and paste these 'rules' onto your post when you write it, it doesn't take long!.
2. You must state that this tag was created by 'The Beau Bow' and link
3. You must thank the person who tagged you at the start of your post (link their blog as well) - follow them if you're feeling nice!, and then at the end of your post state who you tag, and then comment on their blog on their latest post to let them know you tagged them, and link your post so they can see what to do.
4. Title this post 'The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger TAG' so everyone knows what it is about.
5. Have fun!

1.  Name a beauty regime that you rarely do?
A beauty regime that I used to do daily is now something I'll be lucky to do once a month; moisturising. I still moisturise my face daily so that's not the problem, but I don't moisturise my body I have tonnes of body lotions, butters, creams etc etc and I used to be really good at keeping up with this. In the past year I've gotten so bad at it though and then I wonder why my skin is particularly dry. I do it occasionally if I'm going for a night out or something, but apart from that I won't do it.

2.  Is washing your make-up brushes something that you do regularly?
God no, I'm absolutely terrible at doing this as a regular routine. I want to do it more and I get so annoyed that I don't, but I just can't be bothered with it most of the time and I know how gross it is that I don't, but it's just one of those things I don't seem to get round to doing? Probably because I'm a lazy bugger who knows. I just think I don't take pride in the brushes I have at the moment which is why I'm thinking maybe I should invest in a nice set and some actual cleaning product for the brushes in the hope that I will actually clean them weekly or even every other week!

3.  How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
This all depends on how busy I am at the time, there has been times I've been so miffed with my nails that I've painted them 3 times in a day because I've had the time to do it. Whereas if I'm busy throughout the week, I can end up with half painted and half horrifically chipped and I'll just deal with it until I have the time and pretend i'm going for a 'grunge look' (clever I know). So I can actually last quite long with chipped nails, which isn't actually a good thing; it just means I'm too busy to do them.

4.  How long will you put off buying/replacing a beauty product, even if you need it?
If I haven't got the money, I will try and hold off for as long as I possibly can unless its something I really need and then I usually buy it as soon as I spot it.  I'm actually quite good at putting off from buying something, apart from if its for my hair because I buy my own shampoo and conditioner because I a lot more than the rest of my family so I can usually wait a week before I desperately have to buy it because I can get away with just using my families products for a little while. My liquid liner is something that if it runs out I actually have to stay out of shops where its sold just so I don't buy it because this is something I physically cannot live without!

5.  What is your worst beauty habit? 
Not using heat protectant on my hair, I know how naughty this is and after all the hair trauma I've had in the past you'd of thought I'd learnt my lesson, but nope; I'll just think "ah I'm only doing a few bits so it can't cause that much damage" DO NOT DO THIS PLEASE USE HEAT PROTECTANT. Don't be a fool like me, because you will regret it so much if your hair ends up in horrible condition, the only reason I risk it is because I leave my hair natural now most of the time and so I feel that it's not quite as bad. 

6.  Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time?
 I'm embarrassed to admit that it's tidying my room, I'm what you call 'a lazy perfectionist' I want everything to be perfect and organised, but at the same time I just really can't be bothered- it's a frustrating lifestyle to live. I get so angry getting home from work and going into my room to see it messy, but I'm just so tired I say I'll do it at the weekend and then the weekend comes and I can't be bothered at all. I put it off constantly and I wish I didn't and it's so annoying.

7.  When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready to the last minute?
When it comes to getting ready before going out, I will plan hours before. If I'm going out for the day I will set about 6 alarms the night before giving me time frames of what I need to do and when. It's probably a bit weird, but if I know I'm going out everything needs to be ordered and I need to know what I'm doing or I feel extremely anxious and I dread going out. If I make plans last minute then obviously I will try to get ready as quickly as I possibly can, but other than that I will get ready with so much time to spare.

8.  Can you commit to spending bans?
Not really no, I am a bit of a shopaholic and I just seem to be buying stuff whether I have the money to or not. I'd like to think that if I REALLY needed something then I could obviously get away with not spending money, I paid for a lot of my holiday which meant that I didn't physically have money to spend. So I'm going to count that as a spending ban! If I see beauty products or clothing that I really want I can't resist the temptation, I'm also a complete bugger for buying food that I don't need; I buy A LOT of food, which is why people are shocked I'm not gigantic. 

9.  How organised is your make-up and nail polish collections?
This is something that really gets to me, because I LOVE storage. I spend hours trawling the internet for cute/ vintage boxes and looking on MUJI  and IKEA drooling at all the the beautiful storage that they had and since becoming a lot more passionate about beauty products I really want some night storage and I would genuinely kill for the MALM white dressing table from IKEA. Sadly because my room is so small, I don't have a lot of room to expand my love for storage right now so I will just have to carry on dreaming. As for my nail varnish, at the moment I can get away with just keeping them all on a shelf. 

I'm going to tag:

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  1. Thank you so much for tagging me. It may be a little while before you see replies from me, but please be patient - I haven't forgotten. Xx

    1. That's absolutely fine Charlotte! I think it's just more something you can do whenever, atleast it gives you a post to do if you're ever on a block! xx
