Blogmas: day 9 and a christmas tag!


I decided that instead of doing my usual blogmas which involves me going to work and not actually doing anything entertaining in the slightest, today I’d do a Christmas tag that I found online. I’ll tag everyone that reads this, so let me know what your answers are!

What is your favourite Christmas movie?
I would have to say my all-time favourites are Love actually and home alone 1 & 2. The home alone films were films that I’d always watch as a kid and I’d always badger my step-mum to watch them even when it wasn't Christmas because I enjoyed them so much, I also love the film Love Actually. Love actually is just such a feel good film; it makes me feel good every time I watch it.  I’m also going to go for the typical ELF, just because it’s one Christmas film that I’m happy to watch again and again without getting bored. 

Do you open presents on Christmas morning or Christmas evening?
Christmas morning obviously, presents are for Christmas so what is the point of opening them on Christmas Eve? I've never understood it and never will, on Love actually they open 1 present each on Christmas Eve which I think is a good idea. If my family wanted to open presents on Christmas Eve, I don’t think I’d want to participate. It’s too much change for my liking. 

What is your favourite festive food?
Roast potatoes and gravy. Oh good god, nothing in life gives me more joy that this particular member of the potato family; if you don’t like potatoes and gravy, then I don’t trust your motives. I’m sorry, but it’s true. I’m also all about Yorkshire puddings; I wish I could drinks gravy out of them without being judged. Give me all the foods. 

Do you have a Christmas Eve Tradition?
We just tend to watch films really, that’s the one main memory I have of Christmas Eve growing up and obviously putting food out for father Christmas and Rudolf but we’re kind of pass that age now.. I've got really vivid memories of watching the polar express on Christmas Eve; I personally don’t like it that much, it freaks me out but my mum and sister loved it. We always seem to watch films on Christmas Eve, it’s just what happens in our house!

What tops your tree?
At the moment I don’t actually know what we have… I feel like there is a possibility it’s a star maybe? I honestly have no idea at all. When I was growing up we had a really old fashioned angel that would be on our tree, but on the lead up to Christmas it slept in my room and I can’t remember why; I was a strange child if you haven’t already gathered that. 

What do you think is the best part of Christmas?

I love giving people presents I know they want, nothing makes me happier than when I've heard someone previously say that want something or they’d like something and how happy they are when they open the present and they've got exactly that. I also like getting people really thoughtful presents, I just like making people feel good really. Nothings better than knowing you've made someone super happy.

Do you have a favourite Christmas Memory?
I've got a memory of being about 9/10 ish and being in Liverpool with my family and my dad for Christmas and I was feeling pretty home sick and missed my mum. I remember I was just getting ready to go to bed and my uncle came into my room with his girlfriend and they gave me an early Christmas present; they had bought we a set of deep pink, silky pajamas and I absolutely adored them. There was also another Christmas I spent in Liverpool when I was a bit older and my uncle and his wife got drunk and put on their costumes they were wearing for a costume party the following week; the image of my uncle in a buzz light-year costume still cracks me up.

What’s been your favourite Christmas gift?
I've always been very lucky in that anyone who buys me a gift gets me something really great and thoughtful, but the one present my mind keeps going back to is when I was roughly 16 my mum and step-dad got me the most beautiful white ukulele. That was the only gift I had asked for that I really desperately wanted and I was so happy when they brought over the ukulele shaped gift and I think I spent the rest of Christmas day teaching myself to play, it was bloody brilliant.

As a child, what was the one (crazy extravagant) gift you wanted but never got?
I've been racking my brain with this question and there aren't any questions I can think of as a kid that I really wanted, I do have the worst memory known to man but I really can’t remember. I was always really lucky when I was younger in the gifts I received and I’m still extremely lucky now!

I’m going out for a meal tonight which I’m super excited for, so I will inform you in tomorrow’s blogmas what I had and how it goes (and get a few sneaky photos). All I shall say is that my dessert is a white chocolate and baileys crème Brule; so if that doesn't give away how beautiful it will be I hope the pictures will!

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