Blogmas day 18


So I didn't do blogmas AGAIN yesterday, but I had nothing to write about yesterday because it was just a normal work day and I was super tired.I'M SORRY OKAY. Anyway my day got off to a less than great start this morning as there were signal problems with every single bloody train and no buses, so I ended up getting into work at about 9:45 which is over an hour later than I start work. I was very very angry and had to send a few passive aggressive tweets to the rail line (don't judge, I'm only human).
 I thought I'd include a passive aggressive snapchat I sent, please don't judge. Public transport makes me want to rip my face off and today made me never want to look at a train again, but tomorrow is a new day so hopefully they will be better again. Including tomorrow I only had 4 days left until we break up for Christmas, which is insane because December has gone so so quick! Does anyone else feel like 2014 has been freakishly quick? I'm not sure how I feel about how quickly it's gone... I'm seeing some of my friends this weekend and I'm so excited, I'm going to squish all their faces because I've missed them so much! But I still have a day of work left until I get to see them, but I've decided to start wearing my Christmas jumper tomorrow (and probably until I break up from work). This is actually the first time I've ever bought myself a Christmas jumper and it is so warm and cute and I love it and just want to wear it for the next 3 months because its just super sweet.

It's from ASDA  and I haven't taken the price sticker off yet because I'm lazy, but look how sweet it is! It's got a 3D scarf and bobble hat and it's absolutely fabulous and I plan on wearing it to work in pure style.

I'll try and blog at some point tomorrow, but it won't be very interesting I'm afraid. If not then I will post on Saturday for you lovely bunch. I hope you've had a good Thursday and have and even better Friday x

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