Blogmas day 16!


I can feel myself gradually getting more and more tired because I know that I break up from work next week and my body is just going "nah don't worry about it Ashleigh, you can go to sleep for days now it's nearly Christmas anyway". No, my body is wrong and needs to be stopped now. My parents have added the finishing touches to our Christmas decorations now; a few fluffy clouds are hanging about as well as some glittery/glass stars and it looks so cute I just cannot handle the sweetness of it all. I never want these decorations to go; they can stay for Easter, bonfire night even Halloween.

Me and all my pals have arranged to go to the cinema this weekend and it's going to be so good, I miss them and it's probably one of the main times that I'm really going to have a chance to see them over the Christmas period. Hopefully we'll be able to see each other a bit more, if not then atleast I will be able to see all of their beautiful faces this Saturday night. In all honesty I've not really got much else to say today because I've just been doing the normal stuff of work and just coming home, blogmas is very boring if you don't do something fun everyday. With vlogmas atleast it's slightly easier to make moderately interesting videos, when you write it's either interesting or it isn't and unfortunately tonight I am super boring. HOWEVER, I have put up a wishlist post tonight as well. So if you get bored of this (I will completely understand if you do) you could go and check that one out instead like the lovely readers you are.

I hope you all had more interesting days than I did!

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