Blogmas day 12 (and 14)


Tomorrow I'll be on blogmas day 15, so I've technically caught up in my own messed up crazy way. I hope it's not been too confusing for any of you! So after the amazing night at the BBC music awards we were unsure of what we wanted to do for the last few hours we had in London and eventually we settled on going to winter wonderland which I've been super excited to do for a while.

We walked round all of the different stalls and I fell in love with so many of the jewellery stalls and different quirky stalls they had, the brilliant thing about the market was that there was something for everyone and anyone. It was absolutely freezing though and not the best weather and so we didn't stay for a huge amount of time, I honestly couldn't feel my hands or my face (which wasn't the nicest feeling). We stopped for a while and had some pulled pork rolls which were absolutely fab, and mine was bloody massive and fell apart and it was just a total fiasco. I was emotional that I didn't get a long awaited crepe, but oh well it can't be helped. 

After making our way round the whole of the market and seeing everything there was to see, we decided it was probably best we started trying to drive our way out of London which was 10x worse this time round than when we drove it. It took so much longer and it was just so much more stressful, but after about 2/3 hours we were finally out of London *internal celebration* and decided to make a quick pit stop to IKEA which was great. If you ever get a chance to go to an IKEA, then you should definitely go; especially if you love all things home wear like me! After this we finally got back to Suffolk and spent an evening with Adam's family celebrating a very special lady's birthday. 

Today we've not really got a lot done, food shopping and the usual Sunday type stuff that you do. So that's what happened over the last few days, some exciting and some really not exciting at all! I'm back to work tomorrow so I can't really promise how much there will be to share over the next few days but I'll try my hardest not to be as boring as I usually am.

I hope you've all had a good weekend!

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