My life this month #4


So, March was a very up and down month. There was high points and really low points, and at the particularly low points I posted this quote, if you can't read it it says "a negative mind will never give you a positive life" and I just had to keep trying to remind myself of this quote which is hard but if you are having a hard time right now then remember this quote because it will make you feel a little bit better. It was also mothers day this month and so I posted a cute little photo of me and my mumma because she is a diamond and I love her a lot. It was also mine and Adams 'year anniversary' I feel weird calling it an anniversary if it's only a year, but that's what it is so oh well! We went out for a lovely meal at Ask and enjoyed it so much and I've enjoyed the last year with him so much. Lastly, my best friend Chloe and I had a long awaited night in with wine, chats and just general loveliness.

So that was my month of March, how was yours?

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