How is it already coming up for June ?! I just don't understand how this month is going so quick, however may has definitely been one of my favourite months this year so far. I've had so much to do this month and have actually been a proper little social butterfly which is super impressive for me... I've gotten a load of different photos from this month, but I've also done certain things and not managed to get photos as well. Anyway here are just a few photos!
First off is this photo Adam got of me having a bit of a mummy moment with one of our puppies. I look very happy to be there, I'm not so sure the puppy feels the same though.. Who doesn't love a cuddle with baby animals?!
Early on in the month the weather was really sunny and so we decided to go to Southwold which is a really beautiful beach town and walk along the pier. Unfortunately, it was VERY windy and neither of us had coats so it was cut short. I did managed to get this photo on the pier of the sea and all the houses and it just shows how pretty a place it really is.
The next two photos are from a night out in Norwich I had with some of my absolute favourite people in the world, it was for my friend Zachy's 19th birthday and it was a great day. The only thing that was slightly annoying was that I'd been suffering quite badly with stomach pains for that week, and that night was no exception. I still enjoyed myself to no end and I remembered how much I miss some of my friends and how lucky I am to have them. The first photo is of myself and my very handsome boyfriend who came with me, I think we were already fairly drunk by this time and so a nice photo wasn't likely, I do however really love this one and another one of us (I just like his face really). Next is of me and some of my lovelies before everyone else had arrived, this photo just describes our friendships to a T- weird and hilarious!
The next photo is of a cocktail night I had with a lovely new friend, they were absolutely delicious and we ended up getting through A LOT of them. I woke up and my teeth felt like pure sugar, which really isn't that nice of a feeling I can promise you... Then the last photo is of the view from my boyfriends flat, I was so desperate to get a nice photo because when it's dark and all the lights are on in town, Ipswich actually looks moderately pretty?! I don't think I overly succeeded with this photo but I thought that I'd keep it in anyway because I like it!
I have done quite a few other bits and pieces this month, but as I said at the beginning I didn't really have time to document it! I hope you have all had a good May, what was your favourite thing to happen?