Music to my ears #5


I have such a huge crush on Paolo Nutini's voice, it's so gorgeous and makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. I really enjoyed his old albums and so as soon as I saw he'd released a new album I had to rush and listen to it, and I was not disappointed! A few songs I wasn't in love with, some I really enjoyed but this has to be my absolute favourite song on the album. Such a beauty!

Vampire weekend is another great band and this song is just an ultimate happy summer song. I've already had it on repeat for about a week and I don't see myself getting sick of it anytime soon. If you're just lazing in the sun, this is definitely a song to listen to.

I love Wilkinson, there is literally not even one song by him that I don't like. Everything that he does just makes me want to dance and party and this song is no exception. I hope this song gets bigger this year, because afterglow was such a great song for last year and I feel this could be just as big.

I've been listening to this song a lot for about a month now and I'm still not bored by it in anyway, so it must be doing something right!

Now the final song I've chosen is by good old Paloma Faith. I LOVE this woman, she is absolutely fabulous and doesn't care what people think of her. She always looks effortlessly stunning and he voice is just unbelievable. I think she's actually quite underrated in the music industry, apart from a few songs that get over played. I wish her less known songs were discovered, because she really is an amazing artist. This song makes me get a little choked up, I love it that much!

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