The TMI tag


I recently read the TMI tag over on the beautiful Shannon's blog and it was instantly something I knew I wanted to do, so I thought I should give it ago! Anyway before I do my usual rambling on and on and on... let's get on with the questions.

1: What are you wearing?
I'm currently sat in my very fabulous and glamorous outfit of grey pj shorts, a maroon vest top and my knitted patchwork cardigan. I am truly a goddess among men, NAHT.
2: Ever been in love?
I think when I look back to past relationships, they've meant a lot to me and I care for them all but I've only ever felt truly the other half of a whole when I'm with Adam. I don't have to lie and it's absolutely wonderful. 

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Unfortunately, yes and it was awful.
4: How tall are you?
I'm roughly about 5'2/5'3 I think, I always thought I was 5'4. I've been living a lie my whole life.
5: How much do you weigh?
It's between 8st and 9 and a half I think, I'm not really 100% sure if I'm honest. I try not to weigh myself too much, it's not really fun to do.
6: Any tattoos?
I haven't actually which sucks really bad, because there are so many that I wished I could have. Maybe one day when I have enough money and stop being such a wuss!
7: Any piercings?
Apart from my ears, no I haven't got any. I always wanted my hips and my nipples pierced when I was like 14/15 (IT'S CALLED TMI FOR A REASON GUYS.)
8: OTP?
There are literally oh so many that just make my heart bleed; Sara & Michael (prisonbreak), Alex and Piper (Orange is the new black), Glenn and Maggie (The walking dead), Terry and Arlene, Sookie and Alcide, Sookie and Bill, Sookie and Eric (Trueblood). THERE ARE LITERALLY SO MANY MORE YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I try to hide my fangirl persona. 
9: Favorite show?
Trueblood, Prisonbreak, The walking dead, Game of thrones, Supernatural, Orange is the new black and many many more.
10: Favorite bands?
Maroon 5, Kodaline, Charlie Simpson, George Ezra, Daughter, Haim, James Vincent McMorrow, I just love all music in general really. 
11: Something you miss? 
My uncle, my nan, my family, the friends that I don't get to see a lot of the time. I also miss Saved by the bell, that was a great show. 
12: Favorite song?
Trouble- Ray LaMontagne
13: How old are you?
19, it's a sucky age to be it's just slap bang in the middle really. 
14: Zodiac sign?
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
I love people who make me laugh and are really understanding and genuinely lovely people. 
16: Favorite Quote?
If flowers can teach themselves how to bloom after winter passes, then so can you.
17: Favorite actor?
I honestly can't think of one right now, which is weird but my mind has literally gone blank. I'd probably go for Laura Prepon, because her in Orange is the new black makes me die or Ryan Gosling, because not only is he mind-achingly beautiful he is also a very good actor.
18: Favorite color?
Anything pastel coloured, grey, maroon or black.
19: Loud music or soft?
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
I usually sit on my bed in my room, listen to music or watch some TV shows, I also tend to read. It all depends really!
21: How long does it take you to shower?
Anything from 20 minutes to an hour it all depends on the mood I'm in and how bothered I can actually be. 
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
On weekdays for work, it takes me usually about an hour to get my hair and make-up sorted and just get everything else ready and on weekends it's usually the same give or take half an hour. 
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
Not that I can remember actually, which is a good thing. I just prefer to shout at people instead of actually hurting them physically, although words can be even worse than physical pain so be nice boys and girls. 
24: Turn on?
Great smelling men, with awesome facial hair and toned/muscular arms. BE STILL MY BEATING HEART.
25: Turn off?
Bad breath and body oder is literally the worst thing in the world and I hate it so much and I can't cope at all. 
26: Fears?
I'm scared of basically everything, I won't go into detail as I don't want to sound craycray.
27: Last thing that made you cry?
I think I just sat and thought about loads of the crappy stuff that's happened recently and it made me feel pretty down about life and stuff.
28: Last time you said you loved someone?
About five minutes ago to Adam. 
29: Last book you read?
The Cellar by Natasha Preston, it's a seriously good read and I recommend it to anyone who likes killer/thriller books. 
30: Last show you watched?
Trueblood, I'm watching it now. It's so damn good!
31: Last person you talked to?
32: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Adam, I'm sensing a reoccurring pattern here HAHAH. Adam is my boyfriend, incase none of your are aware of that...
33: Favorite food?
Just potato, everything and all potato. It's absolutely fabulous and I love it, especially roasties. They are my favourites.
34: Place you want to visit?
I really want to go to Chicago, Mexico and Australia.
35: Last time you kissed someone?
This afternoon.
36: Last time you were insulted?
I can't actually remember, I just tend not to pay attention to anything insulting anymore.
37: Last sport you played?
I ran for my bus last week, I think I was going to pass out. I also danced a lot (if that's what you can call what I was doing) Saturday night.
38: Last time you hung out with anyone?I saw all my beauties on Saturday night and it was absolutely fabulous in every way.
39: Who should answer these questions next?

I hope you all enjoyed these questions, I enjoyed answering them all and it was fun showing you all a bit more about me. Let me know if any of you decide to do the tag!

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  1. i'm a leo to! also i've never heard that quote before but i love it! i love that your scared of everything i am to! hahaha x

    1. Oh really, that's cool! I've definitely got the temper of the leo. Thank god someone else is afraid of everything and it isn't just me haha! x

  2. I feel like everyone is living a lie about their height, or at least has for a few years of it lol. I'm doing my first blog giveaway to mark 1/2 a year so far. Details and how to enter at

    1. The only difference is I genuinely thought I was 5'4! I got measured last year on holiday and it turns out I'm ALOT shorter than I thought :(
