"Travel brings power and love back into your life"


If money was no option and I didn't have to work, one thing I would love to do more than anything is travel, I've actually been lucky enough to go to a number of different places (America, Turkey, Spain, Portugal and I went to Disneyland Paris once). There are so many other places that I love and aim to go one day and I always love reading posts about places that people want to go, so why not do my own! I thought I’d do my top places that are definitely on my list.

Ireland- Ireland is one place I've always been desperate to go, I think it as so beautiful and everything around you is so scenic and lovely that I just know it would be a lovely place to go. I know quite a few people who have gone over a few times and I’m always so jealous, because you can get the best of both worlds; lots of fields and greenery and nature and then restaurants and night life and culture and it just really appeals to me.

Amsterdam- Amsterdam has always been fairly stuck on my list, because there is just always something to do. It just comes across as very vibrant but also very laid back which is a great mix in my eyes. The idea of going to all the museums and Anne Frank’s house and just getting to explore in general sounds fab, I’d love to go and stay at a nice hotel for a long weekend.
Greece- There isn't one particular place in Greece that I’d like to go more than the other; I’d love to go to everywhere in Greece really as it’s just so bloody beautiful. I’m going to Rhodes this year and I've wanted to go to Greece for years, so I’m really excited and can’t wait. Plus it’s really hot, so what’s not to like?

Sweden- One place I've always been fascinated by is Sweden, which is weird because I HATE the cold. There is nothing I hate more than cold and the snow, and yet I would love to go to Sweden. It’s the one cold place that just always looks so beautiful and I just think it would be different to anything I've ever experienced travel/ holiday wise and I really hope that I get to experience it one day.

Malta- Malta is somewhere that I've wanted to go since I was about 12. I think it's an amazingly beautiful place and there's just so much culture everywhere you look, I've read into it and researched it so many times and Malta and it's people are just so darn cool. I wish I was from Malta, Adam and I were actually very close to going on holiday there this year but it was going to be quite expensive. Maybe next year!

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

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