Sisterhood of the world Tag


I was nominated for the Sisterhood Of The World Tag by Rebecca at sheintheknow who has an absolutely beautiful blog (and she's a right beauty herself) so you should give her blog a cheeky look at. So I'll stop rambling and get this post underway!

The Rules;
Thank, name and link the person who nominated you
Answer the questions given
Nominate and link 10 other blogs
Create 10 questions for the nominees to answer

Here are the questions Becca set for me.

1.       What are your goals for 2015?

My main goal of such for 2015 is to do things that make me happy, I’m trying to worry about money and the future less. Not to the point that I’m completely irresponsibly obviously, but I’m trying to arrange doing things with Adam, my closest friends and family that are things that I genuinely want to do and that make me happy. I always worry about something, so I'm trying to push myself to do things I'm scared of doing, but I know that they will make me happy. Another goal I have is to move out by the end of the year with Adam.

2.       Top 2 places you would like to visit?
The two places I've always wanted to visit are Malta and Ireland. I think they are both absolutely beautiful places in their own ways and both have so much culture, I hope I get the chance to go to both of them one day!

3.       How did you discover my blog?
I actually think that we had tweeted one another and then I came onto your blog and absolutely loved it and now I'm hooked!

4.       Do you find blogging challenging? If so, why?
I do in terms of I really struggle to find time to sit down and do it, when I do I absolutely love it and I’m always thinking of new posts and things that I can write about or ways to interest my readers. I do find that working full time, attempting to have an active social life, and maintain my mental health and general well being takes up a lot more time and rarely leaves time for blogging. I really am hoping I get back into the swing of things soon!

5.       Who is your current style crush?
My style crush in terms of bloggers will always be viviannadoesmakeup, lilypebbles and beautycrush 1000% because all I dream of is having their wardrobes combined in my life. My life will truly be complete then! In terms of actual celebrities it’s got to be Vanessa Hudgens (I love her), Emma Stone (also love her) and Kendall Jenner (definitely love her).

6.       What career are you currently set on?
I currently work for a company doing administration and other bits and pieces, which I really enjoy. I've always wanted to be an English teacher though, or work in something to do with social media, marketing, HR.  Who knows! I’d also love to work on the radio, because I have the I love all types of music.

7.       Where are you from? Do you like it?
I was born in Ormskirk, but I've lived in Suffolk for my whole life. I don’t really like Suffolk in all honesty, I find myself more comfortable in Liverpool and in that particular area than I do in the town I've grown up in. It’s not awful and it could be worse, but I just personally don’t like it that much.

8.       Do you have any fears? If so what are they?
I’m a bit weird about admitting my fears, but I’ll say what they are and just not delve into them too much! One of my biggest fears is of bugs; I am literally scared of all types of bugs. Yes that includes lady birds, butterflies, ants etc. People always find this hilarious, but I just really really hate them all and have a proper little freak out if one is on me or near me.
I’m also terrified of dentists, doctors, hospitals and childbirth (although I’d love to have children) so an all-rounder really! There are more things I’m scared of, but I don’t want this nice little post to have a downer put on it.

9.       What is your favourite TV show at the moment?
At the moment my boyfriend and I are watching Mad Men and I am absolutely loving it! I don’t know why I didn't watch it before, I love all the characters and the story line behind each individual character (and everyone is so damn attractive). I have a lot of TV series’ that I watch when they are on though, I’m a bit obsessed! Oh, and we are also loving this series of Master Chef!

10.   Do you have any weird wacky talents?
I genuinely don’t think I do actually, not that I can think of right now and I’m gutted that there isn't anything! I’m considered pretty weird as it is, but apparently I have no weird talents… sad times. 

The 10 people I've decided to nominate for this are:

The questions I've chosen to give the girls can be seen below:
  • What is your all time favourite beauty, hair care or skin care product you couldn't live without?
  • Whats your favourite thing about blogging?
  • Whats your favourite book and why?
  • Where would you like to be in 5 years from now?
  • If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?
  • Whats your biggest fashion mistake?
  • Whats something you're really excited for in the not too distant future?
  • Would you rather have a bad skin day or bad hair day?
  • If you could only shop from one clothing shop for the rest of your life, which would it be?
  • If there was nothing holding you back, no lack of money and no fear, what would be the first thing you would do tomorrow?
I really hope you've enjoyed this post, I've loved writing it!

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