Music to my ears #1


Well here we are, back right where we started. I'm kidding obviously, but I'm excited to start posting these posts again. I love sharing music with people, so it's probably one of my favourite posts to do. So let's get started with the songs I cannot stop listening to!

Kanye West is hands down one of my favourite artists, I don't care if you agree with me or not. I think he's absolutely brilliant and extremely talented, and the fact that this song is about his mum and Nori just makes me want to well up. You may not like him as a person, but he clearly adored his mum a hell of a lot and loves North and Kim more than anything and I think it's lovely. 
Echosmith are a beautiful band, their song surround you makes me feel all work inside. However, this month I can't stop playing this song; I want to be a cool kid. 
I have well and officially jumped on the Taylor Swift band wagon, I have always found her songs catchy but I've never been an open fan of hers. The more I listen to her newer stuff and just watch her in general, she is so dorky and quirky and I bloody love her for it! The whole *no it's Becky* joke from tumblr is one of my favourite things ever.
Lastly, there is pvris. Who is such an awesome band, they just make me want to kick some serious ass. This song is especially cool and you should also check out their album White Noise, I'm also developing some pretty big feelings for the lead singer Lyndsey.

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