Nothing like a little getaway


So recent months have been absolutely full of ups and downs. I'll be honest I have been struggling quite a lot with inner demons and such, so it's been a nice build up knowing that myself and Adam were going to get a week away in Spain. When it finally arrived I was so ready to just get up and go and it was an absolutely lovely holiday, there was nothing about it that I didn't enjoy. We spent most of the week just relaxing on the beach, drinking far too much alcohol, going out for meals and just generally spending time together without anyone else to worry about. We also went on the train to Valencia for a day and it was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been in my life, everything about it was wonderful and just full of culture and beauty. I thought it'd be a nice post to do with some pictures from the holiday.

Obviously a very heavy photo post. I love when people do holiday post's personally so I thought it'd be nice to share one! Have you got any holidays planned this year?

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