My life this month #5


Well this month has been pretty crap up until the end. Unfortunately our family lost a very special lady and getting to see her one last time will always mean a huge amount to me, I will never forget her. I've also not felt like myself recently, I've been very low and anxious and it isn't very nice for people to be around and I get very angry with myself when I'm like it. I'm hoping to pick up soon, I'm trying my hardest. I've considered writing a post about it, but it's extremely personal and I'm not sure of the reaction I would get.

Anyway, the first photo is a quote I found this month that has really stuck with me and helped me in my really hard days. I think it's so true and it actually made me feel a bit emotional when I first read it, I think it will be something that sticks with me for a long time because it's just so beautiful. One bit of advice I'd give to people feeling really low that I find works for me, is find a poem, a piece of literature or a quote that sums up how you feel but also gives you strength. Then when you feel low, read it and remember you can do it.

The next two are from a wedding I went to with my boyfriend, this wedding was so beautiful and there wasn't one thing I didn't like. I literally said to Adam that there were so many aspects that I'd always visioned for my own wedding if I had one and they were right there in front of me, it was very surreal. It was a beautiful night in general and look at those table settings, I was seriously contemplating stealing it (sorry to the couple, I didn't!).

This month I had two birthdays for two very special people in my life; one was probably my closest friend and partner in crime (the apple of my eye) Lady Frasmine and the other was my wonderful boyfriend Adam. Now because Adam already has his photo in the collage, I thought I'd use this little masterpiece of myself and Jas, which I'm sure she won't mind at all. I unfortunately didn't get to see her but I still hope she had a fabulous day. After months of planning presents for Adam's birthday it was finally over and I think I actually did well because he seemed like he'd had a genuinely good day which made me very very happy.

And lastly, as you all know I reached 75 followers on my bloglovin blog page. Wahoooooooo *breaks into jazzy musical number* I'm not going to talk about this too much as I already did a post on this, but yeah thanks to you all and luv u xoxoxo

I hope you all had a great month

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  1. I think it's always important to give yourself time after a loss. Don't expect to bounce back straight away, let yourself have some down time. Congrats on the followers and hope your next month goes well x

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Honestly Jasmin, that's absolutely lovely for you to say so thank you so much. Thank you so much you're so sweet thank you!
