Looking back and new years resolutions


Fair warning, this is going to be a ramble type post and I apologize in advance but some of you may enjoy reading it who knows!

I feel 2013 was an extremely full on year, there was a lot of ups and some extreme downs. I've managed to rid myself of the negative people in my life and I was shocked by how many there actually were, I also managed to maintain friendships with some seriously wonderful people and I adore them all for it. I feel in a lot of ways last year has made me a stronger person and much more aware of my feelings, but at the same time I now feel scared of letting anyone new into my life. I hope I can eventually as it would be much appreciated; so if you think we could be friends contact me by email/twitter/instagram anything because I love talking to new people! (or if you're a hunky male then step this way.) I've never been a particularly immature person, but I feel like 2013 made me grow up a hell of a lot. So in general 2013 was an average year I guess, I can think of equal positives and negatives. Last year around the middle of the year, I actually made a list of resolutions I wanted to get done by the end of the year I ended up with 3 out of 6 which isn't bad going! So I thought I'd share with you lovely people just a few of the ones I've decided on this year, as I actually have quite a lot! 

Take care of myself better- 
When it comes to other people, I always tell them they need to put themselves ahead of others and that their well-being is and should be the most important. However, I don't take this advice myself and if somethings wrong or I'm not happy with an aspect of myself I just use the motto "oh well, I'll survive". I don't want to just survive anymore and so this year I plan on looking after myself physically, mentally and emotionally. I plan on drinking much more water as I don't drink enough, I don't want to stress anywhere near as much as I usually do and I want to tone up and feel physically fitter.

Pass my driving test and get a car- 
This is hopefully going to happen ASAP, so isn't a resolution and more my top priority at the moment that I'm super excited to get done because I enjoy driving and it'll be great to have that extra bit of freedom. 

Clean my make-up brushes-
This one I really need to do, but I just groan every time I think about even attempting to do it because they take so long to dry and it's just so frustrating because I use them everyday. This doesn't matter though because they build up so much bacteria and its so gross, so it really does need to be done more and I shall eventually become better with this (I hope).

Start a savings account-
Now when I start driving I know full well I'm never ever going to have money, but the other day I was thinking about it and I just feel that as I'm getting a bit older now I need to consider putting some money away for when I eventually decide to move out (never because I'm a mummy's girl and I'm never leaving her ever) as I think it would be so helpful, so if I started this now and saved up over the next few years I'm hoping I'd put away a nice little fund!

Be a girl- 
This one is probably going to sound extremely strange and whether anyone will understand this I don't know, but I've never been a particularly girly girl. This probably sounds stupid because I run a beauty blog and spend all my money on beauty and clothing (and food shh), but I always think that I come across as not very feminine. This could be because of the fact that all my closest friends are boys, and I am completely happy with this and don't want to change it. When I say be a girl I mean clothing more than anything, I've never been one for dresses or skirts but I want to add more to my wardrobe and become much more comfortable in them. Simply because it's nice to dress up sometimes.

Do things because I want to- 
This is something I learnt a lot about last year, I always felt guilty because it seemed like no matter what I did I couldn't keep anyone happy. Someone would be angry, annoyed or upset no matter what I did and it put so much stress on me and when I get stressed too much I actually end up making myself ill and this isn't fair. So this year I plan on saying what I feel and doing what I want to do and not changing it to suit other people. 

So there are probably more that I could add, but those are my main ones! What are some of your new year resolutions? 

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