Job tips


I'm now starting the third week of my new job and I thought that another blog post I could do was on starting a new job and just a few tips and how to cope with it.

As a person, I'm quite peculiar because I've been told I'm a very confident and 'quirky' person and this benefits me in a number of ways, but at the same time I'm an extremely anxious person and the simplest thing can set me off (e.g. cheeky crying sesh's at my last job) so when starting a new job I was quite concerned at how I was going to manage and if I would at all. I have so far absolutely adored every second of it and so thought why not do a blog post on a few tips!

Fake it until you make it- This probably sounds like an odd tip, but I've always found that pretending I'm more confident means that bit by bit I will become more confident. If you come in to your job absolutely petrified and you show this, then you won't last. It sounds harsh but honestly you will find that people will feel more at ease with you the more open and relaxed you appear, if you are closed off and quite it won't help you in any way shape or form. It is really hard, but even the occasional smile or laugh gets you a long way and it really is worth putting yourself out there.

Don't be afraid to ask for help- This is something that I am AWFUL with, in school and in past jobs if I have a problem or don't understand; I would just deal with it. This just resulted in more and more issues for me and luckily the grown-up in me has learnt this, so if I don't understand something I ask for help and even when I do understand I just double check the first few times to make sure it's right. People won't get annoyed at you for asking for help, they'd be more angry if you didn't ask and did everything completely wrong which resulted in a lot of problems. So don't worry about them, they are there to help you and it is crucial to remember that. If they do get frustrated with you, then brush it off and remember that they were once in the same position as you!

Research research research- I honestly cannot stress this enough, BEFORE STARTING A NEW JOB OR GOING FOR AN INTERVIEW- RESEARCH THE JOB AND COMPANY YOU ARE GOING TO. Who knows, in the end you may not eventually need the information you have but it is still handy to have and makes you appear skilled and like you know your stuff. I know nothing about electrics and mechanics, but I researched the company and the people in the company so that I'm not completely incapable and I feel much more relaxed that I have the basic knowledge to do my job to the best of my ability. 

Don't give up- One thing I hate is when people are given the chance to experience a new job and when the going gets tough, they give up. I stayed in a job that at some points made me feel lower than I ever have, because I knew I needed the money and the experience. So if you don't like the job, deal with it. I'm not saying be like me and stay if you really hate it, obviously if you get to the end of a month and you really really dread getting up and going in the morning then consider your health and find another job, but make sure you have secured another job before giving up your current job. Obviously, if you have a genuine reason to want to leave after a week or so (bullying, harassment etc) then this is completely understandable, but leaving after a week because it was hard, or you didn't like it is silly because someone would love to have the job that you have been offered and you gave it up like it was nothing. 

Push yourself- I personally find it very difficult to make friends and for this reason I don't have a large amount *worlds smallest violin* and so I was quite worried I wouldn't get on with anyone and that no one would like me. It's a worry that everyone gets when starting at a new job (and school) and the best thing to do is be yourself, or start of by being yourself in small doses and ease your colleagues into it. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a pretty weird person, and I didn't want the people I work with to think I'm an escaped mental patient so I'm being myself 110% but I'm just keeping back the weird for now and going to ease them into it and if I decided that its best they don't see how odd I am. Then who cares? That's only a small segment of my personality and apart from that I have been completely open and honest with who I am and haven't been something I'm not. Also pushing yourself with your work is important, I have no previous experience whatsoever in my job field. However, I wanted to do it and I knew I would enjoy it so I'm pushing myself and I'm so glad I did because I'm slowly getting more jobs and responsibilities and its hard work but it is so worth it. 

Suck up- I personally have found that in a job, sucking up occasionally can be a good thing and help you out in the future. Its show co-workers and my bosses that you're caring and considerate towards others and like to make an effort for other people. It's something I would tell everyone to really consider in some way or another. 

These are just a few tips that I have found come in handy over the past week or so. Have you got any tips you've found useful when starting a new job or school? Or if you use any of these tips eventually let me know because I'd love to know! 

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